Laugh together

the 19/07/2021

Laugh together at the Roman Theater

A new show with Elodie Poux, Jeanfi Janssens and Booder who will sponsor three talents of humor (Marie Reno, Valentin Reinehr and Jovany)

Elodie Poux: a sold-out tour in France.
If Elodie Poux passes near you, go see her! And like many spectators before you, you will leave by massaging your zygomatics, you will be suffering from Playmobil syndrome!

Jeanfi Janssens: Successful conversion for Jeanfi Janssens, this steward who in less than a year has become the darling of the public.

Booder: Thanks to his always sharp humor, his self-mockery, he gives you his feelings about life in this "society of handsome kids".

Marie Reno: The specialist in "political" song + 100,000,000 Views on the networks

Valentin Reinehr: It's the story of a stutterer… Finalist of France an incredible talent, a story seen 20,000,000 times on the networks

Jovany: A mime, a funny guy, Jim Carrey à la française!

Laugh together
